MarY, mother of Jesus


Drawing of Mary


Drawing and Prayer


O Marija, Jēzus māte, tik starojoša kā saule, mana aizlūdzēja pie Dieva. Lūdz man pazemīgu un skaidru sirdi, lai es caur tavu palīdzību gudrības un izpratnes, padoma, stipruma un saparšanas, dievbijības dāvanām, varu pagodināt Dieva vārdu. Āmen.

Lūgšana Marijai, Jēzus mātei

Description of the picture:

Mary, the mother of Jesus comes towards us human beings and hands out medals that show a dove with a shape that reminds oneself of Christ on the cross. These medals are symbols for the seven gifts of the holy spirit, which you can also find written out in Latin in the light circle in the cross. The cross in the background is a symbol for Christ and so is the light circle which indicates the holy Eucharist. The cross is blue. In the cross beam of the latter you can see water with fish in it that swim towards the Eucharist. This is a symbol for mission. In the upper part of the longitudinal beam you can see the tears of Christians that unite themselves with the sufferings of Christ. By the fact that the same flow through the Eucharist they are transformed into precious stones that sparkle in the lower part of the longitudinal beam. Inside the Eucharist -connected with the cross- you can see wheat ears which shows what the Eucharistic bread is made of. In the four brighter parts of the Eucharist there are branches that together from the tree of life. At the same time the branches break the eucharist into pieces and these pieces are the fruits that Christian can pick from the tree of life. If you look at the Eucharist and the 12 rays (a symbol for the 12 apostles) that proceed from her you can see a sun, a symbol for God the father who dwells in everlasting light. In this way the holy trinity is also represented in this picture.

Other websites


We also recommend that you take a look at the website of the "Begegnungszentrum Lotus Mariae" - a non-profit association from Austria!
